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B.I. Potential Scan
Discover in 6 steps how to use Business Intelligence to grow your business
Which KPIs are already being tracked within your company?
On-line (web/app)
Customer satisfaction
None of the above
Why do you apply Business Intelligence? I want to:
Get a financial grip on the organisation
Automate processes
Improve marketing/sales
Reduce costs
Increase customer satisfaction
I do not apply business intelligence
What data intelligence tools do you have in place?
Data warehouse (e.g. AWS/AZURE/SQL database)
Dashboarding (e.g. Tableau, PowerBI, Data studio, Qlickview)
We do everything in Excel
None of the above
Why was this tooling chosen?
Based on the specifications of the tool and what you can do with it
Based on the number of users and usability
From IT (integration)
No Specific reason (this was already available/no time to look into it
None of the above
Do insights emerge and do you apply them?
Yes! in operations and decision-making
Yes! But not in decision-making
We want to do it more and also base decision-making on it
Far too little, let alone act on it
Is there automation to speed up processes?
Yes, we automate as much as possible
Yes, but we don't automate enough
No, because we don't have enough time
No, because we don't really know how
Do you use smart data algorithms such as predictive analytics or even A.I?
We make our own A.I. models that automatically make the best decisions
We don't make predictive analysis or A.I. / M.L
We make our own predictions based on insights and gut-feel
AI? ML? What does that stand for?
Is the expertise in place to set up a data warehouse properly?
Yes, but there is not enough time for all the work
Yes, we have someone who does it in addition
No, we do not
Is the expertise in house to create decent analytics and dashboarding?
Yes, but there is not enough time for all the work
Yes, we have someone who does it in addition
No, we do not
Is the expertise in-house to develop A.I. models?
Yes, but there is not enough time for all the work
Yes, we have someone who does it in addition
No, we do not
Where can we send the result to?
Business e-mail
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