Data has always been a sensitive topic. If data isn’t handled with care, company data and personal information could end up in the wrong place.
To prevent this, we have embedded data security, integrity and reliability as the key topics in our way of working. We don’t make empty promises around data security and we stand for what we do, especially with your data!
Because of that, we have started the process of getting our company certified according to the ISO 27001:2017 standard. Along with Beschermheren, who have been guiding us through the process of becoming ISO-compliant, we are thrilled to say that on December 21st, 2022, we are officially ISO 27001 certified!
What does ISO 27001 mean?
ISO 27001 is the worldwide standard in information and data security. The implementation of an information security management system (ISMS) is the basis. In the ISMS our data security measures are documented and what security precautions we have taken to ensure data security. With the certification, it is proven that our Information Security Management System is compliant to the ISO 27001 standard.
Beschermheren shared the following feedback about our certification process: “The management has shown ownership on the topics around the ISMS. They have implemented the ISMS in compliance to the ISO standards. With their certification, NucleusBI has proven they are in control of their data and information flow.
What does the process look like?
Firstly, we have started with researching the ISO 27001 standard on the security aspects and it’s implications on our company.
The next step was taking the necessary safety measures around data security, to ensure all data is safely managed.
Afterwards, we have created the ISMS (Information Security Management System) and set this up. With this we made sure we can develop and build safely and that the data security is in order.
Eventually, Brand Compliance, an institute for certification, has given NucleusBI its ISO 27001: 2017 certificate. To ensure data will remain secure, we have an annual ISO 27001 audit and 4 times a year the upper management has a meeting along with an external party regarding the ISO compliance.
Why is this important for our customers?
For it’s customers, NucleusBI processes an immense amount of data. Financial data, personal information and other sensitive company information. This data is used to help our customers businesses grow, to get all data in sync, connect information systems and to make this data realtime accessible in a data warehouse.
The reports and dashboard we supply to our customers give them valuable insights in the company processes and make it possible for them to make decisions based on data in stead of gut feeling.
By becoming ISO 270901:2017 certified, it has been independently documented that our data safety measures, our way of working and our information security works properly. This way our customers can be sure their data is safe with us!
If you would like to know more about how we can help your company reach datadriven growth, contact us and we will tell you more.